Community Resource Library
A place for gleaners and others to access resources shared by members of the community. This collaborative effort provides the gleaning movement with sample handbooks, waivers, and other useful tools.
2021 Market Boss Training Refresher
Refresher guide for volunteers in the Market Boss position
2021 Pick Boss Training Refresher
Refresher guide for volunteers for harvesting
Agency Partnerships
Document on attracting and working with agency partners for gleaning orgs
Best Practices: Harvest Potential of Forgotten Foods
A report on best practices for food rescue organizations.
Bumper Crop Flyer
Guidance for homeowners/farmers experiencing bumper crops
Community Based Gleaning How To Guide Salvation Farms
Brief overview of gleaning and related activies, timelines and suggestions to get started
COVID gleaning policy
Guidelines for Project SHARE's gleaning policy in light of COVID-19
COVID-19 Feeding the Hungry Safety Protocol
Protocols for safe Covid-19 practices in relation to providing food assistance to vulnerable groups
Equipment and Technology
Equipment needs for different types of gleanings
Farmer Guide to Food Donations
Guide to food donations for farmers. Includes info on tax deductions, civil and criminal liabilities (fl state + fed)
Food Donations; A Farmers Guide
A brief factsheet on tax deductions for food donation in Florida. Also includes information on civil and criminal food donation liability.
Food Forward Farmers Market Recovery Mentorship Program
Food Forward launched a free Farmers Market Recovery Mentorship Program. If you’re interested in expanding or implementing a program to recover produce from your local farmers market(s) to make a difference in your own community, you can learn more here.
Guidelines for Safe Gleaning
Guidelines for safe gleaning practices at every stage of the process.
Harvest Leader Position Description and Application
Description of and application for the position of Harvest Lead with the Green Urban Lunch Box.
HHRI Strategic Plan-2021-2023-PUBLIC
Strategic plan for 2021-2023. Describes mission, goals, objectives and strategic planning process
Last Mile Solutions
Information on organizations that can help with getting gleaned food from the farm or market to community distribution points.
Liability and Sign-In Form
Liability notice and sign-in form template
MFB Waiver June 2020
Volunteer agreement and liability waiver, includes information on safe Covid-19 practices
New Volunteers
Information for new volunteers
Organizational Overview
Tips for organizational structure of new gleaning orgs
Tips for staffing and volunteer needs for new gleaning orgs
Produce Good Gleaner Code of Conduct
Produce Good's gleaner code of conduct
Produce Stand Attendant – Volunteer Orientation – Adams County
Reference information for volunteer Product Stand Attendants
Salvation Farms Produce Processing Toolkit
Guide on gleaned/donated produce processing, value-added products and recipes
Sources of Produce
Tips for finding gleanable and rescuable food donations
Terms of Participation
Terms for participation in gleans
The FDACS Gleaning Process
Guide to FDACS (Florida) sponsored gleaning
Volunteer Handbook
Background and reference information for volunteers.
Volunteer Info Form 2020
Volunteer information form (allergies, emergency contact, etc)
Volunteer Manual – For Coordinators
Manual for gleaning coordinators relating to volunteers
Volunteer Waiver Final
Waiver for volunteer participation in gleans
WH Volunteer Procedures COVID-19
Volunteers procedures during the Covid-19 pandemic